qtatspi and kwrite

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Tue Oct 17 16:13:43 UTC 2017

kwrite is completely silent once opened.  So two questions I ought to have 
asked earlier.
What prerequisite dependencies has qtatspi got?  I may be missing some on 
this system.
2) What are the proper cmake steps used to build qtatspi correctly?
I'll try doing a make clean and see if that will wipe the failed objects 
out before attempting my next build.

I think I got one qt 5.87 package on this system from a 3rd party 
slackware repository if that may help but qtspeech unless it's built into 
that package isn't yet available over here yet.
I found out qtspeech is available in archlinux but the package is orphaned 
(has no maintainer) and it will not build on this system package fails to 
build with errors I've never encountered compiling packages through the 
years one of which was an error 47.


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