[Kde-accessibility] ANNOUNCE: AT-SPI 2.17.90 released

Mike Gorse mgorse at alum.wpi.edu
Mon Aug 17 19:45:02 UTC 2015

AT-SPI 2.17.90 is now available for download at:


What is AT-SPI2

AT-SPI2 is a D-Bus based accessibility framework. It defines a D-Bus
protocol for providing and accessing application accessibility
information. The project includes a library for bridging the D-Bus
protocol to the ATK API, allowing Gtk based applications to be made
accessible. It also contains a client (AT) side library in C and a wrapper
for Python.

What's changed in AT-SPI 2.17.90

* Modified the cache API to specify an object's index and child count
   rather than its children. This eliminates the need for the application
   to enumerate its children, improving performance in some places with
   large lists (bgo#650090).

* [pyatspi] Fix text.getDefaultAttributeSet (bgo#752928).

Where can I get more information about AT-SPI2

The project wiki is available at:


How can I contribute to AT-SPI2?

We need help testing with Gnome accessibility technologies, improving
performance, and generally tying up loose ends.  The above-referenced page
contains a list of known issues that should be fixed.

IRC   : #a11y on Gimpnet
E-Mail: accessibility-atspi at lists.linux-foundation.org

Development repositories can be found at:


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