[Kde-accessibility] I need help to create a shadow dictionary in Catalan

Antoni Bella Pérez antonibella5 at orange.es
Sat Jan 26 12:57:47 UTC 2013


  I am creating a shadow dictionary for Catalan language (another collaborator 
will do in Spanish) and I have doubts as to the format. (We are told that it 
will review a linguist.) I think this is correct, see below, but do not know 
how to add terminal information.

Alcanó  [Alcanó]  a l k a n O
Alcanar  [Alcanar]  a l k a n a r
Alcarràs  [Alcarràs]  a l k a R A s
alcista  [alcista]  a l c i s t a
alcistes  [alcistes]  a l c i s t e s
alcohòlica  [alcohòlica]  a l k o O- l i k a
alcohòlic  [alcohòlic]  a l k o O- l i k

  Thank you for your help.


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