[Kde-accessibility] ANNOUNCE; AT-SPI2 1.91.6[.1] released

Mike Gorse mgorse at alum.wpi.edu
Tue Feb 1 17:50:11 CET 2011

AT-SPI2 1.91.6 is now available for download at:


at-spi2-core 1.91.6 contained a crash introduced with a last-minute API
addition, so there is a with a fix for that and another issue.


A list of work required before the full release can be found at:


What's changed in AT-SPI2 1.91.6

* [core] Some build fixes.

  * [core/atk] Several updated translations.

* [core] Added a method to check whether an object implements the Hyperlink interface.

* [core] Fixed a crash in atspi_image_get_image_description.

* [core] Fixed atspi_editable_text_set_text_contents.

* [core] More error-handling fixes.

* [core] Fixed a crash in atspi_event_listener_register_from_callback.

* [core] Method calls now time out after 1 second.

* [all] Added setters for component extents/size/position.

* [core/pyatspi] Added atspi_accessible_set_cache_mask.

* [atk] Fixed the path in org.a11y.atspi.gschema.xml for lib64.

* [pyatspi] Added source_name and source_role to events.

* [pyatspi] Call gconftool-2 to check the value of
   /desktop/gnome/interface/at-spi-corba rather than importing gconf, since the
   latter can cause problems if new and old versions of the Python bindings are

What is AT-SPI2

AT-SPI2 is a D-Bus based accessibility framework. It defines a D-Bus
protocol for providing and accessing application accessibility
information. The project includes a library for bridging the D-Bus
protocol to the ATK API, allowing Gtk based applications to be made
accessible. It also contains a client (AT) side library in Python.

Where can I get more information about AT-SPI2

The project wiki is available at:


How can I contribute to AT-SPI2?

We are actively seeking contributors to help us make this the standard
a11y framework for Gnome. We need help testing with Gnome accessibility
technologies, improving performance, and generally tying up loose ends.
The above-referenced page contains a list of known issues that should be

IRC   : #a11y on Gimpnet
E-Mail: accessibility-atspi at lists.linux-foundation.org

Development repositories can be found at:


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