[Kde-accessibility] Re: kmouth or a tts utility

Mario Fux a11y-ml at unormal.org
Sat Nov 13 15:18:20 CET 2010

Am Samstag 13 November 2010, 07.12:43 schrieb Guido Nasi:


> Good morning, I'm re-asking the same thing becase I suffer of
> osbessive-compulsive disturbs that leave my atttention totally more I
> know an inmperfect English more I'm blind!!! :-P
> Could you tell me the name of a text to speech program different from
> kmouth wifh allows me to type, press enter, get the text uttered,
> retype....  for ubuntu 10.04?
> or (but I prerfer the first one)
> could you tell me the exact instructions to configure kmouth in Italian?
> Note that if in kttsd I click on Add a new voice and then on Ok when I
> come nack there are no voices, I think it's a program bud and so I
> prefer the first choiche.
> That's all! Thanks a lot!!!

As KMouth is a KDE program probably it makes more sense to CC: the kde-
accessibility list as well (done herewith).

But there is for sure a GNOME equivalent if at least it's a texteditor (Gedit) 
with the screen reader Orca (sorry I'm no Gnome expert).


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