[Kde-accessibility] focus tracking

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Mon Jun 28 22:58:31 CEST 2010

tsts... didn't reply to all, sorry:

Am Monday 28 June 2010 schrieb Jeremy Whiting:
> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 4:28 AM, Jos Poortvliet > > KMag can zoom in nicely, 
but does not follow the focus of the cursor
> > (only the mouse). This is a major issue. Does anyone know if it is 
possible to let it follow the cursor?

> It is wanted that it follow the text cursor?  I don't think that would be
> too hard but I doubt it's in there already.

text cursors ("I-beam") are a completely client internal concept (esp. with 
non-native widgets or focus buddies) - to the server there are just some black 
pixels in a lot of bright pixels :-)

Ie. it's known that some kbd input goes to a specific window, but how the 
window/application is gonna handle this input, including any visual feedback, 
is a "secret" to anything but the window/app internal logic.

So to solve this for both and either, kmag or kwin, i don't think there's any 
way but adding some sort of protocol (like setting a property on the window 
about the "active I-beam" local position, the toplevel window with the input 
focus as well as it's geometry is public info) that still needs to be 
supported by the toolkits.


i'd happily be wrong if anybody knows better

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