[Kde-accessibility] KDE 4.2 Toolbars

Maciej Pilichowski bluedzins at wp.pl
Fri Nov 14 08:29:02 CET 2008

> Florian:
> Right  now, if there is not enough space, the application hides all
> icons starting with the rightmost one. With my proposal, the
> application hides the text of the icons, starting with the
> rightmost one. Only if that is not enough will it start to hide the
> icons themselves. I don't think that behaviour is less predictable
> than the current behaviour.

It is equally predictable. However it would be good for default 
settings when don't know in advance the resolution and try to fit 
everything in the screen.

> > Much simpler solution is putting (by user)
> > [       A toolbar     ] [ B toolbar ]
> > next to each other, where A toolbar has icons + text, and B has
> > only icons.
> >
> > Simple design, app follows strictly users wish, no "smart" code,
> > even more capabilities.
> This layout would be optimized for a single resolution. With all
> other resultions this will either waste space or it will not be
> possible to display all icons.

True, but how often do you switch monitors? User knows his hardware, 
sets the toolbar as he/she likes. The main advantage is having 
multiple toolbars, which can be placed wherever user likes.

> Interestingly, to fill out the available space optimally we would
> need to write an algorithm to solve the knapsack problem. Now
> _that_ would certainly be overkill :-)

;-) Fortunally it takes only checking the rightmost items, not all.


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