[Kde-accessibility] OpenOffice and KDE4 Accessiibilty [was: Orca/KDE Integration]

Éric Bischoff ebischoff at nerim.net
Tue Sep 5 11:49:55 CEST 2006

Le Lundi 4 Septembre 2006 09:55, Oliver Braun a écrit :
> Hi Éric et al.,
> from what I read, you nailed down the document background/text thing
> yourself - great. Last time I checked this worked out of the box for the
> gtk VCL plugin.

You means that under gtk it takes the colors from GNOME ?

If yes, then the KDE VCL plugin really has a problem in this respect. I 
thought it was intentional, at the beginning.

Who takes it ? Kendy ? Me ?

> There is no monochrom icon set in OOo - these icons are generated from
> the HighContrast ones at runtime. I would expect the code activating
> this to reside in the gtk VCL plugin.

OK. Is there an OpenOffice.org setting controlling that ? And a gcontrol 
equivalent setting ?

Perharps I can do this one right away.

> > 5) Switch to Qt4 for NWF
> >    (a huge task, this one is probably for Kendy).
> >
> > And on the long run, there's of course the Qt accessibility bridge to
> > write.

Yes, that's part of the switch to qt4 ;-).

La monoculture informatique fragilise le système d'information, elle est aussi 
toxique pour les données de l'entreprise. (Guy Brand)

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