[Kde-accessibility] Timeframe for KDE 4

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at comcast.net
Tue Feb 21 13:40:49 CET 2006

On Tuesday 21 February 2006 05:36, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> [ Gary Cramblitt ]
> > I believe there is ALOT more to this.  The AT-SPI currently requires
> > CORBA libraries.  There is a desire to switch it to DBUS. To do this
> > properly, we need an IDL to DBUS compiler.  AFAIK, nobody has begun work
> > on that.
> Harald said someone is working on it (I don't remember who), but I agree
> that this needs to be added to our list of requirements for KDE4.
> There are two parts to AT-SPI support in KDE. One of the parts (making KDE
> applications accessible to assistive technologies) would be possible
> without a move to DBUS. The other part (making the KDE assistive
> technologies support AT-SPI) needs DBUS.

OK, based on your and Bill's responses, it looks like there are several 
approaches/steps that could be taken, so I think Gunnar needs to make the TWG 
and board aware of these issues.

> >   1.  Toolbars cannot be navigated without a mouse.
> The position of Gnome and Windows is that toolbars do not need keyboard
> support if the functionality is also available elsewhere, but MacOS indeed
> has a keyboard navigation mode for toolbars.

Windows also has a toolbar navigation function.  Don't remember the exact key 

> This is exactly what we wish to solve with the new guidelines on colour
> schemes.
> Can your mail provider handle a big mails (about 1 MB)? Then I would like
> to send you the draft for review.

Yes. Please do.

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)

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