[Kde-accessibility] Orca/KDE Integration

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at comcast.net
Sat Aug 26 16:57:36 CEST 2006

On Saturday 26 August 2006 07:02, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> Hi Gary!

> Some additional thoughts:
> * It is impossible to run two registries in parallel because of the way
> XEvie is written. 

Explain please.

> Maybe it makes more sense to have a registry that can 
> speak both CORBA and D-Bus (via modules). Does the current CORBA AT-SPI
> registry code support a move to D-Bus?

Worth looking into I suppose.

> * There is a compiler that generates various D-Bus bindings from an XML
> description. If it is possible to express the whole IDL in D-Bus
> Introspection XML, then we would get bindings for all languages and
> toolkits supported by D-Bus. Otherwise it might perhaps be possible to
> reuse code.

Do you mean the Qt dbusxml2cpp compiler?  That's an interesting idea.  
Harald's qdbusaccessible already contains some of the xml files. Together 
with pyQt, it might avoid the dbus-python binding problems I mentioned.  I 
assume that can that be done without creating a linked dependency on Qt in 
Orca?  pyQt currently supports up to Qt 4.1.3  I wonder if/when it will 
support Qt 4.2, particularly the D-Bus support?

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)

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