[Kde-accessibility] getting started

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at comcast.net
Thu Aug 24 00:29:29 CEST 2006

On Thursday 17 August 2006 17:56, Will Entriken wrote:
> Hey,
> I want to get started by helping the KDE accessibility project, could
> you please tell me specifically what it is that you do and what tasks
> I can help with?
> Is there any documentation I would need to read read up to be a part
> of your project?
> And sometimes it is hard to get a hold of people on IRC to ask stupid
> questions, would anyone like to volunteer to be my mentor so that I
> could ask you stupid questions that I'm sure I'll have along the way?
> Thanks,
> Will Entriken


Since nobody else has responded, I'll give it a try.

Right now, the kde-accessibility project is kinda dormant.  No more work is 
being done on the KDE 3.5.x series and KDE4 isn't far enough along to do a 
whole lot, or at least I can't give you any specific tasks.

The KDE accessibility website is a starting point (see my sig), but somewhat 
out-of-date.  The archives for this mailing list will give you some 
background.  http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-accessibility&r=1&w=2

If you can build KDE4, we need someone to start testing the applications as 
they come online and identify a11y problems.  The earlier the problems are 
identified, the better the chances of getting them fixed.  I'm especially 
concerned about any issues with Qt4 and kdelibs, as these will affect all KDE 
apps.  For example, AFAIK there are issues with QToolBar and QDockWidget, but 
I haven't had a chance to investigate.

Olaf Schmidt has proposed some new color and font management widgets that 
someone needs to code.  See http://amen-online.de/~olafschmidt/colors/

Feel free to ask my any stupid questions you like.  I don't claim to have any 
good answers.  :)  I'm often available in the #kde-accessibility IRC channel 
on freenode in the evenings (US east coast) and weekends.

Know anything about D-Bus, Python, or compiling python bindings from an IDL 
file?  If so, I could use some expert guidance on some work I'm currently 
doing trying to get the Orca screen reader to work with KDE 4.

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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