[Kde-accessibility] KDE Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Peter Korn Peter.Korn at Sun.COM
Mon Sep 12 08:53:18 CEST 2005

Hi Gary,

> Attached is a draft of a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for 
> KDE 3.4.1.  VPATs are commonly provided by software vendors to assist U.S. 
> Federal Agencies at meeting compliance with Section 508 of the U.S. 
> Rehabilitation Act.  Information about 508 compliance is available at 
> http://www.section508.gov/.
> Comments, criticisms, corrections welcome.
> Once finalized, it is my intention to publish this document on the KDE 
> accessibility website and register it on the section508 website.  Please do 
> not publish it until finalized.

The text of 1194.21(f) is flawed, and failed to antipicate the kinds of 
computer systems we have today.  What does "through operating system functions 
for displaying text" mean on a UNIX or GNU/Linux box?  The text console?  X 
text calls? (but X is layered on top of the OS).  Qt calls?  (but what about a 
mixed environment with multiple graphics toolkits like GTK+ and Java/Swing 

We take the position that 1194.21(f) is supported through "equivalent 
facilitation" via the AT-SPI.  Please see 1194.5 at 
http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/508standards.htm#PART%201194 which states:

   § 1194.5 Equivalent facilitation.

   Nothing in this part is intended to prevent the use of designs or
   technologies as alternatives to those prescribed in this part provided they
   result in substantially equivalent or greater access to and use of a product
   for people with disabilities.

You might consider saying "supports through equivalent facilitation" and 
reference the same AT-SPI footnote you have elsewhere.


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

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