[Kde-accessibility] Re: dwell selection?

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Tue Feb 1 21:00:38 CET 2005

[David Bolter, Dienstag, 1. Februar 2005 15:02]
> Richard, it would be great to know if you are successful using GOK with
> KMousetool.  It might be the case that you would want to change to
> "Direct" mode while using KMousetool...

That's right. We tested to ensure that KMousetool works well with GOK, and 
in Direct Mode there are no problems.

The results in Dwell Mode is a bit strange: My expectation was that two 
mouseclicks would be generated on any given position, but for some 
reason, GOK and KMousetool cause each other to keep generating 
mouseclicks in a strangely patterned rhythm. 

Even without KMousetool running, the GOK coming with SuSE 9.2 (version) 
keeps generating mouse clicks on the same positon, even if the mouse was 
not moved. Maybe this is intended and users are supposed to move the 
mouse out of the GOK area to prevent several clicks. But for some reason, 
KMousetool also keeps generating an additional mouseclick for each 
mouseclick GOK has generated - which it shouldn't do if the mouse 
position is unchanged. Is GOK calling some X functions that makes 
KMousetool beleive the mouse position has changed?

One part for the misbehaviour is an error in KMousetool: If a manual 
mouseclick has been made, KMousetool should never generate a second 
mouseclick on the same position. If GOK does the same, and if the 
additional problem of KMousetool believing the mosue position has changed 
is fixed, then both will work well with each other even in Dwell mode.


KDE Accessibility Project
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