[Kde-accessibility] Re: Is it the time for "KSpeach"?

Peter Korn Peter.Korn at Sun.COM
Wed Sep 15 05:26:53 CEST 2004

Hi Olaf,

If I'm not mistaken, ViaVoice for Linux has always been just ViaVoice OutLoud, 
their TTS technology derived from the Eloquence engine.  Unless things have 
changed, this is NOT their voice recognition technology.

Is anyone from IBM on this list who can make a definitive statement?


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> [Piotr Szymanski, Dienstag, 14. September 2004 22:05]
>>Jarosław Staniek (Tuesday 14 of September 2004 21:05):
>>>What do you think?
>>Checkout kdenonbeta/kttsd.
>>Anyway Polish speech synthesizers suck bigtime and there is no
>>opensource organisation/movement in poland that could get the funds or
>>that would want to fund to create a good set of voices.
> We have the same problem for German. Apart from the low quality of the 
> Mbrola and Festival solutions for non-English texts, we have the bigger 
> problem that Mbrola is non-commercial-only, closed-source and abandoned.
> At aKademy, IBM announced that they will make ViaVoice available for Linux 
> again through a reseller really soon, which would mean that we will have 
> at least a high quality, maintained, proprietary solution for speech 
> recognition and synthesis on Linux. I am not sure how this relates to the 
> newer announcement of open-sourcing voice recognition software.
> The articles and announcements were really short, so it is not clear which 
> kind of code exactly will be open-sourced. I have the impression that it 
> is not a complete speech recognition system like ViaVoice, but rather 
> code that would be used for applications that only have to deal with a 
> few dozen words. Speech synthesis is not mentioned at all. My impression 
> could be wrong though.
>>Anyway, I havent used kttsd since 9 June 2004 and it didnt work then,
> What was the problem?
>>it seems there was a major rewrite though.
> Yes, that's true. Could you check whether the error is still present? 
> Thanks!
> Olaf
> - -- 
> Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
> KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org
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