[Kde-accessibility] Re: getting text to speech software ????

Milan Zamazal pdm at brailcom.org
Wed Oct 6 13:39:47 CEST 2004

>>>>> "BH" == Bill Haneman <Bill.Haneman at Sun.COM> writes:

    BH> I would recommend FreeTTS if you don't have a strong objection
    BH> to Java, or Festival if you only need to do simple reading of
    BH> text files, etc.  There are several voices available for either
    BH> (and Festival/FreeTTS can share the same voice databases I
    BH> believe).

Festival can actually do much more than only simple reading of text
files and is a common part of software distributions which include KDE,
so I think it's generally much preferable choice over FreeTTS.  Of
course, particular requirements can make one or another TTS more better
suited for a given purpose.


Milan Zamazal

Free software is about freedom, not about free beer.  If you care only about
the latter, you'll end up with no freedom and no free beer.

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