[Kde-accessibility] Accessibility Forum at the aKademy

Lars Stetten larsst at web.de
Wed Mar 31 00:16:26 CEST 2004


> We are in the process of organising an "Accessibility Forum" at the next
> KDE Contributors' Conference ( http://conference2004.kde.org/ ).
> I am also wondering whether we should invite hardware vendors as well.
> I am unsure because for vendors it might be more interesting to come on
> following weekend for the KDE USers Conference to show their produicts,
> whereas for developers it would be better to have the Forum at the
> beginning of the week, so we have time for hacking afterwards.
> Please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas.

Hi, im very interested in Linux Accessiblity as partially sighted. At the 
moment I'm not involved in the active development but be experienced with 
different accessilibility issues in linux ( and toher OS ;) ).
. I'm also in contact with people of the german suse-blinux project and other 
partially sighted and blind linux users.
I'm very interested to support  accessiblity in linux and this forum. 
Accessbility is a complex issue, because the target group of users is very 
different and has different needs.
This forum is a very good chance to share experience of developers, end users 
and "accessilibty experts" in general. Contacts to vendors would be nice, i.e 
to BAUM Retec, SUN  etc. which support the gnopernicus project.

Lars Stetten

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