[Kde-accessibility] Keyboard status applet

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Tue Jul 20 14:54:58 CEST 2004


On Tuesday 20 July 2004 13:14, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> [Gunnar Schmi Dt, Dienstag, 20. Juli 2004 13:56]
> > I have just committed a new panel applet to kdenonbeta.
> Where exactly in kdenonbeta is it located?
Oops, I forgot to mention that it is in the directory "kbstateapplet".

> > The applet shows the state of the Shift, Control, Alt, Alt Graph, Num
> > Lock and Caps Lock keys.
> And how about also Scroll Lock, Insert, and whether sticky keys etc. is 
> on?
It should be fairly easy to add the state of the Meta, Super, Hyper and 
Scroll Lock keys (if they are available on the keyboard). The Insert key 
isn't really a modifier key, but rather some applications use it to switch 
between inserting overwriting. 

In the first version I decided not to show whether "sticky keys" etc. is 
activated, as the user will usually already know if it is activated or not.

Actually the applet has three states for each key:
- released: the modifier key is neither pressed nor locked. The applet 
shows this with an empty box.
- pressed: the modifier key is currently pressed (or was recently pressed 
if the "sticky keys" feature is activated). The applet shows this with a 
symbol inside a box.[1]
-locked: the modifier key is locked. The applet shows this by inverting the 
colors of the "pressed" image.

> > - A context menu for the displayed items which allows the user to:
> > + hide some of the keys
> > + turn the sounds completely off (individual sounds can be turned off
> > in the "Sounds&Notification" KCM)
> > + open the KCM for AccessX features (and possibly also the KCM for
> > keyboard repeat rates)
> That would be nice. I am also wondering whether the sound effect should
> be off by default.
Currently the default configuration for KNotify is off for the Shift, 
Control, Alt and Alt Graph keys and on for the Num Lock and Caps Lock 
keys. As I said you can change this in the "Sounds&Notification" KCM.

[1]: As it was not really clear to me which images should be used together 
with which key, I used images that are similar to the images of the GNOME 
AccessX applet. Only the image for "Alt Graph" is not specified in the 
source of the GNOME applet, but rather it loads a "localized icon" for 
that key. As I have no idea what such a "localized icon" looks like (and I 
currently do not have a recent GNOME available to look at), I took the 
image for the meta key instead. Maybe we should change this to something 
similar to what GNOME uses for that key?

Gunnar Schmi Dt
Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
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