[Kde-accessibility] Re: SSML, KTTSD, kpdf, KSayIt, KOffice, khtml integration

Milan Zamazal pdm at brailcom.org
Tue Dec 21 11:40:34 CET 2004

>>>>> "GC" == Gary Cramblitt <garycramblitt at comcast.net> writes:

    GC> I think this concept makes a lot of sense.  Simply make sure
    GC> there's a filter to convert to your app's format from one of the
    GC> other major formats and your app automatically supports any of
    GC> the filter input formats.  Write a filter to convert your app's
    GC> format to one of the major formats and other apps can now
    GC> support your app's format.  Of course, one loses a certain
    GC> amount of information with each conversion step.

I like the idea.  Regarding the information lossage, would it make sense
to declare a single recommended common format?  Application filter
writers would be encouraged to support conversions of their application
formats to and from this format, or to/from an intermediate format for
which the conversion doesn't lose any information in comparison with the
direct conversion of the application format to/from the common format.


Milan Zamazal

Omigod, it's a flame war about a flame war.  You know, a meta-flame war!
                                                 Kenny Tilton in comp.lang.lisp

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