[Kde-accessibility] Sizes for the window borders

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Tue Sep 23 18:05:26 CEST 2003

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Just a few minutes ago I added the two decoration sizes BorderVeryHuge and 
BorderOversized to the list of known border sizes (as the first part of my 
entry "Add an option to allow wide borders to some of the window decoration 
styles" in the feature plan).

I also modified the Web decoration from kdebase and the KStep and Plastik 
decorations from kdeartwork to respect these new border sizes. (They are the 
only ones that currently both allow to specify a border size and are ported 
to the new kwin API). I will add the possibility to set the border size to 
the other decorations in the next few days.

Currently the Web and Plastik styles use the pixel sizes 4,8,12,18,27,40 
pixels for normal, large, very large, huge, very huge, and oversized borders. 
As the standard size for the KStep decoration is larger, all of its border 
sizes are larger. It uses the sizes 6, 9, 14, 21, 32, and 48.

Currently the KCM for the window decoration does not allow to set the border 
size. However, I have prepared a patch that adds a combo box for the sizes to 
that KCM. This patch is a quick hack (it does not check whether the actual 
decoration supports different border sizes), but it works. Is it OK to commit 
that patch until we have a clean solution for the GUI?

Gunnar Schmi Dt 
- -- 
Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)

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