[Kde-accessibility] Re: [kde-promo] Fwd: Free Standards GroupAccessibility Workgroup

Bill Haneman Bill.Haneman at Sun.COM
Fri Oct 10 12:54:53 CEST 2003

Hi Gunnar/All:
> It is possible to write assistive technologies without the help of Trolltech 
> (as you see if you take a look on the applications in the kdeaccessibility 
> cvs module and on features like color schemes and support for large fonts 
> etc.). 

Strictly speaking, theming/large font support and keyboard navigation
features or other built-in features of GUI toolkits are not assistive
technologies.  The term "assistive (or adaptive) technologies" is
usually reserved to refer to meta-applications which run alongside the
"standard" application and desktop and which serve as 'meta' user
agents, adapting the system's native output to a specific user's needs. 
For instance, screen readers, focus-tracking magnifiers, and onscreen
keyboards are generally considered assistive technologies, but system
features such as low-vision themes, "sticky keys", keyboard navigation,
and accessibility API support, are not.

see http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/AT/at-types.html

best regards,


>  For the support of AT-SPI we do have the help of Trolltech.
> Gunnar Schmi Dt

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