[Kde-accessibility] Fwd: [kde-promo] RMLL 2003

Philippe Fremy phil at freehackers.org
Wed May 28 19:52:51 CEST 2003

	Hi Laurent,

Other interesting topics to present on KDE:
- the KDE Edu framework
- the KDE Accessibility

If they do not fit in your theme, could you arrange the contact between the 
dedicated theme manager and the related KDE group ?



----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [kde-promo] RMLL 2003
Date: Wednesday 28 May 2003 17:26
From: Laurent Rathle <lrathle at kde-france.org>
To: kde-promo at mail.kde.org


There will be from the 9 to 12 July in Metz, France, the annual
 Rassemblement Mondial des Logiciels Libres. I'm in charge of a theme on
 "Free software for end user". So I'm seeking for lecturers to present
 softwares in different matter :


for exemple,

I don't need more than two three volunteers, in fact, since the theme will
last 4 hours and that we share this time with Gnome and Open Office.

Travel expenses are taken in charge and there will be lodging for the
lecturers. Just contact me for more details.

Thank you,

lrathle at kde-france.org

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