[Kde-accessibility] about kttsd

ojschmidt@kde.org ojschmidt@kde.org
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 20:58:57 +0100

> As I was asked, I'd like to write about kttsd, about how and where to get it 
> and compile it, how to configure and use it, about the internal architecture 
> and how to develop with it. Olaf, where should I put all that ?

Just mail it to me, and I will add it to the "Developers' Information"

> BTW: did you see the new page ?

Yes, I am partly responsible for it. Since today, I have  write access
to all of KDE.org. :-)

BTW, the accessibility homepage will soon be moved to the new design,
See http://wwwtesting.kde.org/areas/accessibility/

I will move the new site back to accessibility.kde.org on Tuesday. If
you like, then you can try to commit yout new content directly to
kde-www/areas/accessibility/, otherwise just send it in plain text and I
will add it to the site.
