[Kde-accessibility] some changes in the layout

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar@schmi-dt.de
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 13:47:34 +0200


On Thursday 26 September 2002 16:00, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> [...]
> I think the current layout is very good. The difference between general
> configuration stuff and the plug-in itself is very clear, and if you
> should have some plug-ins with really huge configuration in the future,
> then there will be a scroll bar in just the right place.
The current layout is good. However, the buttons for adding a new languag=
e and=20
for selecting the default language and the two tab bars take a relatively=
large amount of space (1/3 of the availabel height if we do not change th=
size of the overall window). In the case of plug ins with many options it=
would be good if the plug in configuration widget would have as much spac=
available as possible.

Is it possible to move the buttons for adding a new language and for sele=
the default language to a new tab? If we did so, we could add the languag=
tabs to the top tab line. I will produce some pictures later in order to=20
illustrate these ideas.

> I have one other idea: The "Add" button could change to "Change" or
> "Remove", dependig on which language and plug-in is selected.
> If you select a language that is already installed, the second switchbo=
> is automatically set to the name of the installed plug-in, and "Add"
> becomes "Remove". If you then change to a different plug-in, it becomes
> "Change". (There could be a message box asking "Do you really wish to
> remove/change the plug-in? All configuration will be lost.")
> Only if you select a language not yet installed, it becomes "Add".
> [...]
This would likely be confusing to a user who wants to change the language=
 of a=20
plug in.

Gunnar Schmi Dt