[Kde-accessibility] Proklam and KMouth

Pupeno pupeno@pupeno.com
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 14:34:19 -0400

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 23 September 2002 14:20, Bill Haneman wrote:
> Hi Pupeno:
> > That's why I'm building Proklam, with a DCOP interface despite that Gno=
> > may provide the same solution with a Corba interface. But as sending dc=
> > messages is not friendly enough, I think, an API class called KSpeech
> > will be provided inside kdelibs somewhere to make it even easier.
> > So, to use Prokla, you won't have to know anything about Corba (which I
> > don't know), or DCOP (which I didn't know untill I started Proklam)...
> > just instantiate KSpeech and use it.
> I am wondering still if KSpeech can re-use gnome-speech's IDL.  That
> doesn't necessarily mean it has to use CORBA, but only that its APIs map
> directly onto those of gnome-speech.  If they do, they it would be
> fairly easy to write wrappers from one to the other, thus allowing KDE,
> GNOME, Java, and other GNU/Linux platforms and toolkits to reuse the
> maximum number of speech drivers.  The resulting similarity of APIs
> would also mean that porting "talking programs" from one platform or set
> of libraries to another would be much easier, whereas with different
> APIs it can be too difficult to seem worthwhile to a developer with
> limited time.
I don't think so, KSpeech will be a simple dumb interface for the dcop=20
functions to speed up development. If KSpeech could use two diferent ways t=
speek it would need some kind of configuration or automatic search for a=20
working speech server or something like that.
All the interoperatibility should go directly into Proklam, I think the bes=
way to do it would be to make a plug in and then gnome-speech would just=20
another TTS to Proklam, as Festival or FreeTTS are. Then if gnome-speech us=
=46estival or ViaVoice is up to the configuration of gnome-speech. This ide=
was suggested by Gunnar if I'm not wrong and I think it's very feasible. Wh=
do you think about ?
And as they're plug ins, there's no problem in making a plug in dependant a=
all the libraries existent out there (if the libraries aren't there, the pl=
in won't compile/work) but as KSpeech will go directly into kdelibs, it=20
shouldn't depend in anything outside KDE.
I think that would solve the problem of KDE using Gnome resources for=20
speeching but won't solve the problem of Gnome using KDE's resources. Do yo=
think it would be posible to write a gnome-speech plug in (or howhever it=20
works) to use Proklam ?
Thank you.
=2D --=20
Pupeno: pupeno@pupeno.com
=2D ---
Help the hungry children of Argentina,=20
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