[Kde-accessibility] my crazy thoughts
Olaf Jan Schmidt
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 13:15:46 +0100
Hash: SHA1
[Gunnar Schmi Dt]
> [Olaf]
> > Gunnar's and my idea was to use DCOP, so the bridge could be a DCOP
> > service.
> Well, that was an idea before the meeting on IRC. I thought there we
> had at least decided to do the bridging within each KDE application
> (either as a pard of the KDE-core-libraries, as a library each
> application has to include or as a library that can be loaded
> dynamically).
Well, it was not really an agreement. Bill pointed out that this approach=
is possible, and then we concluded that we will discuss the details on=20
the list.
We did not really present our approach in detail, so nobody could agree o=
disagree on it.
The decision was just that there will be some kind of ATK or AT-SPI=20
> I think we need to ask Trolltech to extend their
> QAccessible-architecture to something similar to the ATK-API. Then we
> can implement either of three bridging approaches:
> 1) QAccessible <-> ATK <-> AT-SPI
> 2) QAccessible <-> AT-SPI
> 3) QAccessible <-> DCOP/MCOP-AT-SPI <-> AT-SPI
True. If TrollTech does not do this, then we are back to the original DCO=
service idea anyway.
> The first two approaches would add some dependencies on GNOME libraries
> or on CORBA.
If only specific accessibility applications for KDE need to depend on=20
glibs, that should be OK, put having a dependency for all of KDE is very=20
unlike to find a majority among kde-core developers... ;-)
> The third approach would put all dependencies into a stand-alone
> DCOP/MCOP-CORBA bridge and would require the most work.
The question is whether GAP or Sun would help with the bridge.
> BTW: Why exactly is the ATK-API based on GObject? Is it possible to
> modify ATK to be able to use some toolkit-independend classes (which
> then could be instanciated through multiple inheritance from either
> GObject or QObject?)?
Is that possible in C?
- --=20
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