[Kde-accessibility] Maintainer

reable@computer.org reable@computer.org
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 16:11:17 +0800

Hi all
I think I may be the the most difficult re timezones, +8GMT, so I will fit in 
with you guys if I can. Re the newbie howto, I actually got the idea from 
reading the Gnome stuff, so I will probably use that as a base, why re-invent 
the wheel? ;-) From that I believe there is quite a deal of overlap and also 
with some work we are doing with Apple and getting OSX to talk in a usable 
manner. Apples pdf docs are actually pretty good in describing user interfaces 
and accessibility issues, even if they do not design accessability into their 

School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth 6845 Western Australia
Ph +61 8 92664540
Fax +61 9 92662584

Quoting JP Schnapper-Casteras <jpsc@stanford.edu>:

> Hi all,
>     Sure, that sounds great.  I'll be the "team leader" and all of you will
> be "Co-Maintainers" (or feel free to suggest another title).
> Regarding IRC, how about sometime on this Friday, Nov. 15th on
> irc.openproject.net #kde-access or something like that?
> I realize we're all probably in different time zones, but which times (or
> days, if Friday is bad) work well for you (in GMT/UTCor with specified time
> zone please :-))?
> Best,
> --JP
> P.S. Iain: Doing a newbie tutorial sounds great - you might also want to
> see
> if / where there is overlap with the "GNOME Accessibility for Developers"
> document ( http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/guide/gad/index.html).
> Cell: 206-849-9032
> Web: http://www.stanford.edu/~jpsc
> LARS: http://trace.wisc.edu/linux
> FDAWG: http://www.speechinfo.org/fdawg

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