[Kde-accessibility] ATK C++ Wrapper

Bill Haneman bill.haneman@sun.com
16 Dec 2002 17:33:05 +0000

On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 16:52, Pupeno wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Bill, I remember that you mentioned that there was a C++ wrapper for ATK. Am I 
> right or am I loosing it ? where is it ? is it usable ? (anyway, usable, 
> stable, reliable or not, it would help us).
> Thank you.

Yes, there are c++ bindings.  I was just told by the maintainer that
they are in the 'gtkmm' module - but are in a separate .so file from the
rest of the gtk+ stuff, so you have no gtk+ dependency in the library or
the code in question.

It will be possible to have this split into another module or similar
steps could be taken to make sure there were no dependency issues for
you - the 'mm' team has a policy of doing that if a project needs
something to be split out.  You will also need 'glibmm'. and
'libsigc++', the c++ bindings for parts of glib.  

The maintainer warns me that the bindings are "C++, not Qt/C++",
whatever that means (perhaps Qt uses a special subset or variant of

best regards,


> - -- 
> Pupeno: pupeno@kde.org
> KDE Accessibility team co-mantainer
> http://accessibility.kde.org
> - ---
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Bill Haneman <bill.haneman@sun.com>