[Kbabel] Why does mail.kde.org relays SPAM messages.

Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Mon Feb 19 17:53:09 CET 2007

Am Montag, 19. Februar 2007 15:48 schrieb Spel:
> From the moment I subscribe to one of your list, namely kbabel at kde.org,
> I started receiving SAPM on a regular basis. Just have a quick look at
> the KBabel Archives http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kbabel/ and you will
> see lots of viagra and pharmacy related subjects messages.
> Why does the KDE organization accept those messages to get through and
> passed on to subscribers?
You're new to this email thing, right? If our system was sure it was SPAM it 
would have rejected the mail. But as spam doesn't declare itself, it happens.
And we can't really afford to have every mail read by a human before it's send
out to mailing lists.

And yes, the ratio is pretty bad for the kbabel list.

Greetings, Stephan

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