[Kbabel] KBabel option "Localized name"

Fabrice Mous fabricemous at xs4all.nl
Fri Aug 15 11:57:55 CEST 2003


I'm writing a dutch quickstart guide for newbies to get them going with KDE 
translation.  (http://www.vosberg.be/doc/kde/snelstart_kbabel/index.shtml) 

I couldn't figure out wat the following option means in KBabel 1.0.2 :

Settings -> Configure KBabel -> Identity -> Localized name

Can anyone enlight me :-) ? 


Fabrice Mous
fabricemous at xs4all.nl
fabrice at kde.nl ~~ http://www.kde.nl
vosberg at suse ~~ http://www.vosberg.be

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