[Kalzium] GSoC project.

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Sun Mar 29 13:01:09 CEST 2009

Am Sunday 29 March 2009 00:19:20 schrieb Apekshit Sharma:
> *1)(**major)**Drawback:Currently in chemical equation solver, only those
> ionic equations can be solved in which all of the RHS and LHS ions are
> given and that also when coffecients of sufficient no(depends on eqn)*

What is RHS and LHS?

> of ions are given .This limits the use of this feature to a large extent as
> in high schools ,there are a no of ionic eqn's to be solved in which only
> the medium is given(acidic or basic) and ions(H+ and OH- ) change
> accordingly.This was only an example which limits ionic equation solver
> from its full capacity.
>  Addition:I will implement a seperate solver for ionic equations which will
> incorporate the above feature of a) selecting a medium of reaction and
> b)just writing the ions of LHS and RHS it will solve the eqaution without
> need of any cofficients (as it currently does).

How will you implement it. Benoît Jacob (principle author of Eigen) told me a 
year or two ago, that Eigen2 can be used for the math behind this. Right now 
the code is written in OCaml which nobody on this list is able to maintain. I 
would really like to get rid of the OCaml Stuff as Thomas Nagy (the author of 
that code) won't improve it.


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