[Kalzium] Fwd: GSoC - proposal
Apekshit Sharma
apeksharma at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 00:08:54 CET 2009
Hi all
i want to be a part of open source development ,and it will be good to start
with Google SoC.(as i will get a mentor :) :) ).here is my proposal for the
same .i would request respected developers to please give a look at my
proposal and make me aware of my flaws (hope there are not too many of
them).please suggest the changes i should do in it to make it better.
please ignore randomness in bold characters.i tried to put them correct,but
alas..actually i typed it all in openoffice word.
Thanks in advance.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Apekshit Sharma <apeksharma at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 3:14 AM
Subject: GSoC - proposal
To: kde-devel at kde.org
Hi all and Carsten Niehaus
i want to be a part of open source development ,and it will be good to start
with Google SoC.(as i will get a mentor :) :) ).here is my proposal for the
same .i would request respected developers to please give a look at my
proposal and make me aware of my flaws (hope there are not too many of
them).please suggest the changes i should do in it to make it better.
please ignore randomness in bold characters.i tried to put them correct,but
alas..actually i typed it all in openoffice word.
for Carsten Niehaus:can you please give me your email id for future
Thanks in advance.
*Name:**Apekshit Sharma*
*Email Address:**apeksharma at gmail.com*
*Freenode IRC Nick:**apeksharma*
*Location (City, Country and/or Time Zone):**Jaipur, rajasthan , INDIA.
.+5:30 hours (i do my programming job in night mostly )*
*Proposal Name:**I have decided to put my efforts in development of
Kalzium.I searched through a number of KDEEDU project but i choose kalzium.
My choice has three reasons behind it which have mentioned in motivation
*Here is my experience of last two days :*
*“In past two days, i have tried out kalzium a number of times and had gone
through a part of source code.During this , i came up with lots of
interesting ideas which i think if are implemented in it, will not only add
a lot of new features to it but will also increase its scope in the sense
that it will surve to larger no of people.”*
*So here are my ideas,(and which i wish kalzium should have).I have also
assigned priority to the tasks as **major **or **minor. **This proiority is
based on my judgement (what i feel) of increment, a particular task will
bring to kalzium as a whole:*
*1)(**major)**Drawback:Currently in chemical equation solver, only those
ionic equations can be solved in which all of the RHS and LHS ions are given
and that also when coffecients of sufficient no(depends on eqn)*
of ions are given .This limits the use of this feature to a large extent as
in high schools ,there are a no of ionic eqn's to be solved in which only
the medium is given(acidic or basic) and ions(H+ and OH- ) change
accordingly.This was only an example which limits ionic equation solver from
its full capacity.
Addition:I will implement a seperate solver for ionic equations which will
incorporate the above feature of a) selecting a medium of reaction and
b)just writing the ions of LHS and RHS it will solve the eqaution without
need of any cofficients (as it currently does).
2)(major)Right now in kalzium ,user can only calculate only molecular mass
of a compound and the tab for the same is not so appealing.I would like to
add to it features like
a)given amount of substance(weight),calculate moles
b)given weight of substance added and volume of solution/solvent,calculate
c)calculate density ,strengths of solutions given weight of compound and
volume of solvent and vice-versa.
d)giving results on mixture of two solutions.
And many other such small things which would provide kalzium with wider
range of functions and serve more diverse problems of users.
3)(major)I would also like to add a feature which i'd like to call “compound
finder”, and will do the fllowing:
once clicking on this feature ,the user when clicks on an element ,it will
show all the compounds of that element .On subsquint selection of
elements,it will keep on filtering compounds common to all selected elements
before and the new one.Also i will provide additional filters like , setting
min or/and max no. of atoms of each element.in the compound,giving max
or/and min molecular mass, or like comp. should belong to a certain family
(like alcohols,aldehydes,proteins,etc) .etc
It will be a lot useful as it will provide functionality of finding
compounds by filters.
4)(minor)Current timeline tab is very premitive and not very charming.I
would like to make major modifications to it like using openGL to build an
more interective subwindow which will show periodic table building from
scratch and showing time progressing.
Also i can add a feature , of selecting two years and showing elements
discovered between these two years.
*Motivation for Proposal / Goal:**As mentioned before, I had three major
motivations behind taking up this project which are:*
*am very keen of learning new things and i am at a stage ,at which ,i
think i should try out different things and choose which is best suited for
me.And open source programming is a vast feild and seem to be very
intersting to me, i am inclined towards giving it a shot.Who knows, this
might be a start to long journey ahead.*
*I am India National Chemistry Olympiad Gold Medalitst (only 35 all over
india got it :) ).So , i have clear understanding of all the concepts i
intend to implement .So like any other contender ,i won't have to devote any
extra time in understanding those concepts (Instead i will use it learn open
GL andQt )*
*I made a program in C in my 10**th** class which implemented the
2**nd**proposal above to a large extent.And so i am pretty confident
that “
**i will do it”.*
*Implementation Details:*
*Proposal 1:I will be using the already built parser to fetch the data,and
then use it in my algo.*
* It wouldn't be a tough nut to crack designing the algo, as i already know
how are the things done in paper, and with my programming exp. (6 years is
enough right now i guess :) ), i know it could be done with no pain.*
*Proposal 2:Its the same as above.Designing the better algo (as i have
already mentioned, i did a part of it in my 10**th** project ie 3 years
before) and then coding it into c++.*
*proposal 3:It will require some more knowledge – Qt , which i plan to
acquire in advance before 23**rd** may.Also it will need designing a new
format of storing data (which maps necessary data with the compound and
organizes data in an efficient manner of which i have a crude picture in
mind). What will be a challenge is,how much efficient can i make it ,as it
will be dealing with database of lakhs of compound (and evergrowing
*Proposal 4: For its implementation ,i will be learning OpenGl during the
same time as Qt.Although i know i bit of opengl (to be strict ,i saw a part
of opengl programming for this project and it was really easy understanding
it),and i am very much confident that it can be done easily.*
*Tentative Timeline:**My semester exams will be over by 21**st** april ,so
my GSoC project will start from 22**nd** april *
*22**nd** april-23**rd** may (official start) – learning OpenGl,Qt and Open
source programming style.*
*Now when the SoC starts officially:*
*90 days left....*
*15 days – implementation of the (better) ionic equation
*75 days left....*
*10 days – implementation of additional aspects to molecular mass calculator
(2**nd** proposal)*
*65 days left ....*
*20 days – implementation of “compound finder” (3**rd** proposal). (i have
planned it late because i feel it to be really a major feature and thus will
need more experience which i will gain from 25 days of working)*
*45 days left...*
*5 days – implementation of timeline.(4**th** proposal)*
*40 days left...*
*next 5-10 days – reviewing things*
*and the remaining time i plan to discuss as many things as i can, with my
mentor, which can be implemented to make kalzium better.I'll try to add
maybe 1, or 2 more things to kalzium which will be like “compound finder”.*
*I intend to work for about 8 hours daily (as i am completely free during my
summers owing to no pre-engagements).This (7x 8) hours/week would certainly
include posting my weekly achievements on to kde development list and
discussing with mentor about what better can i do. *
*Do you have other obligations from late May to early August (school, work,
etc.)?*:I have no obligations during my summers, nor have i set any large
goals .So i feel it will be only GsoC and me during summer.Infact , I will
be free by 21st april as my semster ends the same day. So , I will be having
a good 32 days in hand before the start of GsoC (it think it will only be
formal to say that it starts on 23rd May,infact programming will start well
before it) to learn OpenGL and KDE coding style .
*About Me (let us know who you are!):*
*I am Apekshit Sharma.I am currently pursuing for my B.Tech degree and am a
first year student in Computer Science and Engineering Dept.at Indian
Institute of Technology,Bombay(IIT,Bombay).(www.iitb.ac.in).*
*I have been doing programming for 6 years.*
*I started my programming in C,*
*Currently i know- C,C++,Scheme and PHP.*
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