[Kalzium] [Blue-obelisk] XML-Format for (chemical) spectra

Carsten Niehaus CNiehaus at gmx.de
Mon Oct 10 11:01:19 CEST 2005


> Betreff: Re: [Blue-obelisk] XML-Format for (chemical) spectra

> Carsten Niehaus wrote:
> > If possible a quick answer would be nice so that I can continue my work
> ;-)
> Um, I was looking hard, but I could not find a question to answer. :-)

Yeah ;-) The question was in the topic... somehow. Ok, here it is:

Question: Is this format ok for BO? It is for me but as I stated, I don't
know to much about XML.

 energy1="0.0000" energy2="105291.6443" 
 electronconfig1="1s" electronconfig2="5p" 
 term1="2S" term2="2P&deg;" 
 J1="1/2" J2="1/2.3/2" 

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