[k3b] [Bug 257602] K3B cannot burn Blurays (or AVCHDs)

Thomas Schmitt bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sun Feb 4 19:42:48 UTC 2018


--- Comment #28 from Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup at gmx.net> ---

if the O_DIRECT theory is correct, then this should work without errno 22

  cdrskin --allow_emulated_drives -v dev=stdio:/dev/null fs=32m -eject \
          -waiti - <$path

and report as many read bytes as written bytes

  Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 49199448064/49199448064 (24023168

If this works as expected, then you could risk another BD-R medium and do

  cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 fs=32m -eject -waiti - <$path

In this case i need to know from where you got libburn.so.
It might be necessary that the upstream programmer talks to the distro

Have a nice day :)


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