[k3b] [Bug 382754] K3b complains about missing cdrskin at start up

Thomas Schmitt bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Thu Aug 3 09:46:41 UTC 2017


--- Comment #22 from Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup at gmx.net> ---

> https://cgit.kde.org/k3b.git/commit/?id=4a6aa76ea4d80dfdf530921d54060fac3647c9ac

The commit message is quite misleading. I already thought you'd go
full speed ahead without investigating the existing tasks of K3B
whether they can be represented in the way of my idea.
(I'd expect hours of code digging before this is clear.)


For the non-quarrel aspect, which we always have to consider:
It seems unwise to say to the user that cdrskin is "better" than cdrecord.
Joerg Schilling could raise protest and it would be not easy to defeat
any possible point he could make. I was once his user. Since a few years
he has to accept me as peer - reluctantly. (German language readers
may look at https://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/k3b-brennt-keine-audio-cd-2/2/
where we quite nearly cooperated to find the reason why Xfburn worked and
K3B did not. It was an interesting ride.)

So how about (after due check whether it is really true in the context
of K3B):

  "Cdrskin can substitute for cdrecord with data and audio CD,
   and for growisofs with DVD and BD."

  "Consider to install the libburn and cdrskin packages."


Further, the test for cdrecord and the test for cdrskin should both
set a local flag which indicates that a program with cdrecord's
mainstream options interface is available.
The tests for cdrecord should then preliminarily report their problems

If the new local flag is not set after the burn program tests, then K3B
should issue a CRITICAL message which tells that neither cdrecord nor
cdrskin are available for use by K3B.


A similar situation lurks between growisofs and cdrskin.
The lack of growisofs should only be CRITICAl if not cdrskin can
substitute by its cdrecord-ish options interface.
cdrskin can substitute if it is available and if K3B is ready to use
it on DVD and BD by cdrecord-ish options.

cdrskin by modes of its option "blank=" can perform the tasks of
"dvd+rw-format": Formatting of DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, BD-R, BD-RE.
Deformatting of DVD-RW.
But that would first have to be implemented in K3B, before availability
of cdrskin could make the lack of dvd+rw-format NON_CRITICAL.
(See man cdrskin or ask me for translating dvd+rw-format options to
 cdrskin blank modes.)

Have a nice day :)


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