[k3b] help: k3b can't find norrmalize-audio

Antonio Barragan ajbarragang08 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 22:15:39 UTC 2012

Hi, there

I am using k3b 2.0.1-ubuntu3, in ubuntu 10.10

I created a project, then click on Burn, then Advanced,
then check Normalise volume levels.

The following message pops up:

"K3b uses normalize-audio (http://normalize.nongnu.org/) to normalise
 audio tracks.  In order to use this functionality, please install it first.
 (sudo apt-get install normalize-audio)"

checking with the command which normalize-audio,
it says: /usr/bin/normalize-audio

checking with synaptic package manager, it's version 0.7.7-7

What am I missing?

any help will be greatly appreciated


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