[k3b] What happens after 2.0

Markus kamikazow at web.de
Fri Mar 19 21:26:01 UTC 2010

Am Freitag 19 März 2010 21:29:42 schrieb Michał Małek:

> Agreed. I even don't mind a 6-month release cycle, it's long enough for
> current development speed (which is rather slow).

I was thinking... Now with the "Plasma Netbook Reference Platform" (you've 
probably read about it on Planet KDE), KDE SC 4.5 could use an easy to use 
image writer for USB flash drives.
K3b 2.1 could support writing disk images to USB flash drives. Then release it 
simultaneously with SC 4.5 and if you aim for a 6-months cycle, you could even 
ask to include K3b into kdemultimedia. That would at least mean that you don't 
have to do any branching and such for yourself. OTOH that would also mean that 
K3b 2.1 is actively maintained until KDE SC 4.5.5.

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