[Inqlude] [GSoC 2016] Improve categorization and search on Inqlude web site

Nanduni Nimalsiri nanduni.12 at cse.mrt.ac.lk
Thu Mar 17 08:44:37 UTC 2016


I have created some storyboards and prototypes. I thought of sharing my
prototypes with you first to get your ideas so that I can come up with
proper modifications prior getting feedback from a set of users. I am very
happy to hear your suggestions.
The prototypes are attached below.

Best regards,

On 17 March 2016 at 04:16, Nanduni Nimalsiri <nanduni.12 at cse.mrt.ac.lk>

> Hi,
> I was able to look into the site locally using 'inqlude view' and thank
> you for the guidance.
> I read your documentation on "I will travel... My story of Stanford's HCI
> class". I felt very very interesting about that procedure which you
> followed in designing the 'I will travel' website. Now I clearly understand
> your intention of motivating me to focus more on design thinking to get
> started with the project. After going through the resources which you
> mentioned, I felt that the major part of the project task lies in the part
> of designing.
> I have known HCI as a design discipline which design interventions for
> systems involving people and technology. When I googled it, I found these
> words from Terry Winograd : "*HCI is the kind of discipline which is
> neither the study of humans, nor the study of technology, but rather the
> bridging between the two*", yet I suppose that I have many more things to
> learn on HCI. In our university, we will be having a module on HCI during
> my next semester which starts from April, so I am glad that it will teach
> me many more things to complete this project successfully.
> I really like the idea of design thinking and I would like to incorporate
> this project with *Product Design Sprint. *I feel that the success of
> this project lies on the completeness of different stages such as
> need-finding, prototyping, designing and testing of the user interfaces,
> because this is a project which mainly focus on offering a good user
> experience.
> So I thought of allocating an adequate amount of time for the following
> tasks.
>    - Need Finding
>    - Prototyping
>    - Start Building prototypes
>    - Ready for Testing
>    - User Testing
>    - Finalizing Prototype
> *I have nine days left before the deadline for submitting the project
> proposal. I won't be able to finish these tasks successfully if I am to do
> them in a hurry within these few days. So I thought of including in my
> proposal the approach that I have taken towards implementing these tasks
> and how I am going to implement these tasks during the project period. *
> For eg:
> *      Need Finding*
>       You have explained that there are three options (glance, change,
> time) of design briefs that design projects could take on. I     suppose
> 'time' design brief matches this project task since it is a matter of
> redesigning.
>       *Prototyping*
>       I would be using storyboards and prototypes.
> *      Start building*
>       I will come up with design heuristics, feed backs and evaluation.
> Here I will be focusing on Nielsen’s list of heuristics in his book
> Usability Engineering and Shnedierman and Plaisant’s list of golden rules
> in Designing the User Interfaces.
>       Further I will be creating implementation plans.
> *       Ready for testing*
>        Develop evaluation plans to evaluate both design and
> implementation, test usability and functionality of system. Evaluate using
> cognitive walkthrough, review-based evaluation, evaluating through user
> participation etc.
> I thought of including details about these approaches in my project
> proposal like what's my plan, what will be the deliverable for each stage,
> what will be the procedure for implementation of each stage etc. I also
> came across with some concerns called *personas and scenarios* which will
> be useful for designing good user interfaces. I thought of including them
> as well in my proposal.
> After going through your story with 'I will travel..', I felt very
> interesting about that way of designing. At university, we are normally
> used to do projects using 'Unified Process Model', so I am very eager to
> try out this approach for designing phase.
> I would like to know if you are expecting me to complete this design
> process before proposal submission or if you are expecting me to come up
> with a plan of how I am going to implement this process. What are your
> suggestions on this? I am happy to hear your comments.
> Best regards,
> Nanduni.
> On 16 March 2016 at 11:44, Nanduni Nimalsiri <nanduni.12 at cse.mrt.ac.lk>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was able to look into the site locally using 'inqlude view' and thank
>> you for the guidance.
>> I read your documentation on "I will travel... My story of Stanford's HCI
>> class". I felt very very interesting about that procedure which you
>> followed in designing the 'I will travel' website. Now I clearly understand
>> your intention of motivating me to focus more on design thinking to get
>> started with the project. After going through the resources which you
>> mentioned, I felt that the major part of the project task lies in the part
>> of designing.
>> I have known HCI as a design discipline which design interventions for
>> systems involving people and technology. When I googled it, I found these
>> words from Terry Winograd : "*HCI is the kind of discipline which is
>> neither the study of humans, nor the study of technology, but rather the
>> bridging between the two*", yet I suppose that I have many more things
>> to learn on HCI. In our university, we will be having a module on HCI
>> during my next semester which starts from April, so I am glad that it will
>> teach me many more things to complete this project successfully.
>> I really like the idea of design thinking and I would like to incorporate
>> this project with *Product Design Sprint. *I feel that the success of
>> this project lies on the completeness of different stages such as
>> need-finding, prototyping, designing and testing of the user interfaces,
>> because this is a project which mainly focus on offering a good user
>> experience.
>> So I thought of allocating an adequate amount of time for the following
>> tasks.
>>    - Need Finding
>>    - Prototyping
>>    - Start Building prototypes
>>    - Ready for Testing
>>    - User Testing
>>    - Finalizing Prototype
>> *I have nine days left before the deadline for submitting the project
>> proposal. I won't be able to finish these tasks successfully if I am to do
>> them in a hurry within these few days. So I thought of including in my
>> proposal the approach that I have taken towards implementing these tasks
>> and how I am going to implement these tasks during the project period. *
>> For eg:
>> *      Need Finding*
>>       You have explained that there are three options (glance, change,
>> time) of design briefs that design projects could take on. I     suppose
>> 'time' design brief matches this project task since it is a matter of
>> redesigning.
>>       *Prototyping*
>>       I would be using storyboards and prototypes.
>> *      Start building*
>>       I will come up with design heuristics, feed backs and evaluation.
>> Here I will be focusing on Nielsen’s list of heuristics in his book
>> Usability Engineering and Shnedierman and Plaisant’s list of golden rules
>> in Designing the User Interfaces.
>>       Further I will be creating implementation plans.
>> *       Ready for testing*
>>        Develop evaluation plans to evaluate both design and
>> implementation, test usability and functionality of system. Evaluate using
>> cognitive walkthrough, review-based evaluation, evaluating through user
>> participation etc.
>> I thought of including details about these approaches in my project
>> proposal like what's my plan, what will be the deliverable for each stage,
>> what will be the procedure for implementation of each stage etc. I also
>> came across with some concerns called *personas and scenarios* which
>> will be useful for designing good user interfaces. I thought of including
>> them as well in my proposal.
>> After going through your story with 'I will travel..', I felt very
>> interesting about that way of designing. At university, we are normally
>> used to do projects using 'Unified Process Model', so I am very eager to
>> try out this approach for designing phase.
>> I would like to know if you are expecting me to complete this design
>> process before proposal submission or if you are expecting me to come up
>> with a plan of how I am going to implement this process. What are your
>> suggestions on this? I am happy to hear your comments.
>> Best regards,
>> Nanduni.
>> On 15 March 2016 at 22:07, Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On Dienstag, 15. März 2016 09:15:26 CET Nanduni Nimalsiri wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I will soon try out the prototypes in mailing lists.
>>> I'm happy to see you move forward, but please take the time to
>>> understand the
>>> process and plan it.
>>> A good document explaining a way how to come to a good design is
>>>     https://robots.thoughtbot.com/the-product-design-sprint
>>> I documented how I applied this method to a project at
>>>     http://cornelius.github.io/iwilltravel/
>>> I think using a similar approach for the design of the Inqlude web site
>>> will
>>> give good results.
>>> --
>>> Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>
>> --
>> *Nanduni Nimalsiri*
>> Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University
>> of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
>> Software Engineering Intern, WSO2 Inc. (http://wso2.com)
>> email : nanduni.12 at cse.mrt.ac.lk, nanduni at wso2.com
>> blog : http://nanduni.blogspot.com/
>> website: http://nanduni-nimalsiri.branded.me/
>> mobile : +94714114256
> --
> *Nanduni Nimalsiri*
> Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University
> of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
> Software Engineering Intern, WSO2 Inc. (http://wso2.com)
> email : nanduni.12 at cse.mrt.ac.lk, nanduni at wso2.com
> blog : http://nanduni.blogspot.com/
> website: http://nanduni-nimalsiri.branded.me/
> mobile : +94714114256

*Nanduni Nimalsiri*
Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University
of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Software Engineering Intern, WSO2 Inc. (http://wso2.com)
email : nanduni.12 at cse.mrt.ac.lk, nanduni at wso2.com
blog : http://nanduni.blogspot.com/
website: http://nanduni-nimalsiri.branded.me/
mobile : +94714114256
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