[Inqlude] [GSoC 2016] Improve categorization and search on Inqlude web site

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Tue Mar 8 06:50:04 UTC 2016

Hi Nanduni,

On Monday 07 March 2016 20:18:49 Nanduni Nimalsiri wrote:
> I am *Nanduni Nimalsiri*, a third year undergraduate at Department of
> Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I
> would like to take part in GSOC Programme 2016 with KDE Community. Actually
> I am very interested in contributing to open source projects and I already
> have experiences in working with a variety of open source projects. I
> suppose that I am not too late to start working on this project. I am a
> quick learner and I am very confident that I would be able to catch up
> things very soon.

Welcome. It's great that you are interested in this project.

> Actually I have studied the flow of Inqlude web site by now. I have several
> suggestions to improve its user experience. Meanwhile, I roughly went
> through [1],[2] repos to get familiar with Inqlude functionalities. I
> suppose that [2] is the repo which I need to work with.

That's correct.

> I have some doubts to clarify regarding this project. README.md of [2]
> mentions "There also is an option to generate an HTML overview of all
> available libraries. This can be hosted or used locally." Can you please
> explain me what this is? Does this mean the Inqlude web site?

Yes. The inqlude command line client has a sub command "view" which generates 
the web site as static HTML. This can be browsed locally, and it's also what 
is published on inqlude.org.

> I would also like to come up with improvements for web site interface. I
> can even change the website to have a responsive look and feel. Can I
> change the orientations and formattings of the UI widgets. I like UI stuff
> and I would like to know your ideas. If I am not causing trouble, can you
> please explain me more on this project and I would also like to know on how
> I proceed. Thank you.

Making the site responsive would also be great.

When working on the UI I think it's important to follow some design process 
which includes testing the design and possible options and improve it based on 
feedback from (potential) users. One of these processes is design thinking.

In terms of proceeding it might be a good idea to get some experience in Ruby, 
as this will be needed to work on the tool which generates the web site. There 
are many nice online trainings and sites with exercises available, which 
should help with that.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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