Possible to list an unreleased library ?

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Fri Oct 28 06:36:57 UTC 2011

On Friday 28 October 2011 00:47:24 Laszlo Papp wrote:
> Is it possible to get an unreleased library listed on the inqlude
> website, if it is for instance coming from the projects.kde.org page
> or some other VCS ? Here is an example:
> https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/multimedia/qtopenal

A release shows that the developers of the library have taken the extra care 
of going through a release process, thinking about what the state is they want 
to release, doing some QA, maybe extra advertising, documentation, this kind 
of stuff. It also shows that they care about delivering a library in a form 
usable for application developers, not just giving access to more or less 
random snapshots. Finally it gives a well-defined way of tracking versions.

So I wouldn't list unreleased libraries, but rather focus on stable libraries 
with the necessary momentum to get releases done. In the end this will give 
higher quality results to application developers, and that's what this is all 

We probably want to also list beta versions of libraries, but this also needs 
releases, and I think we will require at least one stable release, just to 
make sure, that there is enough power behind the development to create stable 

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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