Gcompris for disabled children

Timothée Giet animtim at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 19:53:32 BST 2024


I'm not familiar with this device in particular.

For disabled people to use GCompris, best is to use a device with can 
simulate generic mouse movements and clicks. There exists many different 
devices like that, to control the mouse with eye tracking or with the 
mouth for example. There are even open-source ones (like this one for 
example: https://github.com/makersmakingchange/LipSync )


Le 04/04/2024 à 11:32, evamariagroener a écrit :
> hello,
> my son is Almost 9 and using a tobii dynavox talker (supporitve 
> communication) running with Windows System.
> This talker can be Controlled by touch, eye or Buttons (with cables).
> unfortunately there are so little Learning Apps for tobii (Look like 
> 1990th old games) and the cool games like gcompris do not run with the 
> Buttons etc.
> On ipad it dosnt exist Buttons (the existent Bluetooth Buttons do not 
> work reliable), I installed an emulator (bluestracks) to try Android 
> Learning games, but they do not work too. I think many disabled 
> people/Kids Would be very happy, if someone from the developers Start 
> to get this working! In germany we just have rehamedia and from 
> Austria lifetool - but there are so restricted possibilities!
> please help
> Greetings
> Eva Gröner
> Von meinem/meiner Galaxy gesendet

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