Mail Expressing Interest in applying for GSoC 2023

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Tue Jan 24 08:01:32 GMT 2023

Hi Anirban,

for start, let's drop the "Sir", "Madam" or whatever :). I've also added
the GCompris list as we prefer open discussion instead of one-to-one when
there are no critical/confidential information and this information could
be useful to other potential contributors.

For now, we are still in the process to know if we will participate or not
to GSoC.

On your side, it's great to show interest this early. Before talking about
GSoC, the first step would be to compile GCompris on your computer, play a
bit, see if it interests you.
Then, a second step would be to start contribute with small tasks ( or an easy activity
to implement ( to see
if it also interests you in the developing side and if the community is one
you'd like to be a part of.

Regarding GSoC then, if we participate, at some point you will need to
create a proposal (in a few months from memory) with what you plan to do,
how you plan to test, a timeline and discuss it with us to know how it
would be better integrated in GCompris. A list of previous contributions is
always appreciated if we have a lot of candidates as it helps mentors to
choose the person they think fits the best.

We have a Matrix room at
to discuss if needed.



Le mar. 24 janv. 2023 à 08:37, <anirban-1009 at> a écrit :

> Sir,
> I am Anirban Sikdar from Hyderabad, I am writing this email to express
> my interest in Contributing in GCompris project as a part of GSoC 2023,
> sir i am relatively a new contributor i would request you to be my
> mentor in doing so, I am currently following this tutorial :
> in adding my contribution. I am also enclosing my resume with the mail
> too can you please guide me through this process sir.
> Your's Sincerely,
> Anirban Sikdar,
> Hyderabad.
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