Gcompris and Ubuntu issues

Timothée Giet animtim at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 18:58:39 BST 2022

Hi Michelle,

I couldn't reproduce this issue in a VM with a fresh ubuntu 22.04, so I 
hope the instructions provided by Johnny will help you.

By the way, note for reference on the topic: as Ubuntu 22.04 is using 
wayland by default, I was wondering if that could be related to this 
issue. I've noticed that by default gcompris (installed with apt) runs 
on XWayland. It can run on wayland directly by installing manually 
qtwayland5 and doing export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland . Then it also runs 
fine, just our custom-cursor is loaded only if gcompris is set 
fullscreen and after hovering a clickable item (before that it's a 
generic white cursor, and if it's in window mode it always keeps this 
white cursor).



Le 17/10/2022 à 19:44, Johnny Jazeix a écrit :
> Hi Michelle,
> can you run "gcompris-qt -c" in a terminal to ensure that the cursor 
> was not disabled by mistake?
> In ~/.config/gcompris/gcompris-qt.conf, can you ensure that you don't 
> have any line like: "defaultCursor=false" and "noCursor=false"
> Also, can you send us the logs in the terminal from this command? It 
> could help us understand more why it happens.
> Cheers,
> Johnny
> Le lun. 17 oct. 2022 à 12:29, MIchelle C <michelle at tamarindtree.org> a 
> écrit :
>     Hello team,
>     We are a small school in rural India using Gcompris for the last
>     ten years.
>     We have recently installed new linux machines using Ubuntu 22.4
>     and are
>     facing some glitches with Gcompris.
>     Basically the mouse pointer is just not visible. We have installed
>     using
>     several methods (from terminal, snap store, from your site). But are
>     unable to see the mouse with every installation.
>     Kindly advise
>     Thanks
>     Michelle

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