New contribution "nds"

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Fri Nov 5 20:10:48 GMT 2021

Hi Nicolas,


Can you please subscribe to the list if you plan to contribute more (

Regarding the code, can you also do a Pull Request on github or even
better, create a KDE account, fork from and make a Merge Request here?
Doing the second one would also start your repo from the latest code, which
would avoid you to rebase.

After taking a quick look, there are things to improve codewise, a lot of
repetition that could use a Repeater...

We have a discussion channel in also, it may be easier
than mail to discuss.



Le ven. 5 nov. 2021 à 20:59, Nicolas DA SILVA <nicolas.ds49 at> a
écrit :

> Hi,
> I’m Nicolas « nds » DA SILVA
> I like coding, and I want to learn and practice more and more…
> I developed an activity, based on allon’s suggestions & ideas, in which
> the player must count a random number (between 1 & 10 included) by clicking
> on Tux as most as the random number indicates.
> Please see by yourself :
> I am sorry I started this activity 1 year ago, so the version of the game
> is pretty obsolete.
> If you need me to make any manipulation, please do not hesitate.
> Kindly,
> DA SILVA Nicolas
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