Relicensing of GCompris executable to AGPLv3 licence

Timothée Giet animtim at
Sun Jan 31 13:45:40 GMT 2021

Le 31/01/2021 à 09:51, Bruno Friedmann a écrit :
> On samedi, 30 janvier 2021 20.36:44 h CET Johnny Jazeix wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We realised that, for analog electricity, we added in our source the
>> engine from edx:
>> s/src/capa/schematic.js which is licenced under AGPLv3 licence.
>> Our base code is under GPLv3+ which is compatible with AGPLv3 but it
>> causes the built program to be released under AGPLv3.
>> From
>> "The ordinary GNU GPL and the GNU AGPL are two different copyleft
>> licenses, so they are naturally incompatible. We have set up a special
>> kind of explicit compatibility between them: you can include source
>> code under the GNU GPL version 3 together with other source code under
>> the GNU Affero GPL in a single combined program. This is permitted
>> because both of those licenses explicitly say so, and the effect is
>> that the GNU AGPL applies to the combined program. However, you can't
>> simply relicense code from the GNU GPL (with or without “or later”) to
>> the GNU Affero GPL, or vice versa; neither of these licenses gives
>> permission for that."
>> It does not affect much us because the added condition on the AGPL
>> licence is for remote network interaction (point 13 of
>> which is not a use-case
>> for GCompris.
>> I have updated the source code to reflect that.
>> Johnny
> I would like to thanks you (the bunch of upstream people) a lot to have tackle 
> this issue.
> I will now adapt openSUSE package and push the latest version with patch (or 
> we will get a small fix release soon?).
Hi Bruno,

Actually this is still a pending task, as we also asked the copyright
owner of the AGPLv3 file if they would agree to relicense it to
GPLv3(+). We are still waiting for their answer.

We plan to make next fix release in March, hopefully the question will
be settled by then... So please wait until then before packaging a
patched version or the next fix release.



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