online meeting during Akademy

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at
Sat Sep 5 14:53:14 BST 2020

Hi Timothée and others,

Em segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2020, às 10:19:40 -03, Timothée Giet 

> For this occasion, we were thinking it would be nice to have an online
> meeting to gather GCompris contributors.
> If you are interested to attend, please fill in this survey before
> Saturday 5th to let us know your preferred date/time from the proposed list:

Sorry, but I only see this message now. I'm interested to attend this. Did you 
decided the date?


Linux User #228171
Espaço digital:
Perfil Hubzilla:

"Liberdade, essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta, que não há ninguém que 
explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)
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