Digital Solidarity in Italy
Luca Tringali
Thu Mar 12 15:58:32 GMT 2020
Hi everyone,
sorry for the late reply, it's been a couple of busy days.
We've set up a wiki aimed for teachers, with tutorials on how to teach from home ( It's still a work in progress, but we're filling it with articles we already published in the magazine, and everyone can contribute. The main focus is on tools like Jitsi or Moodle, but the list we published contains also desktop software, and most of it is part of KDE Edu (like Marble and GCompris,
We'll start taking some texts from KDE userbase and translating them in Italian, it will take a couple of days. All contents are released under CC BY NC SA, so you can re-publish the same stuff on KDE Edu website or the userbase for the Italian localization.
@Niccolò: By the way, if you already tried to send the form from Agid website and got some kind of error, they are experiencing some issues. You can bypass that by emailing the same data to solidarietadigitale at
Luca Tringali
In data mercoledì 11 marzo 2020 13:36:38 CET, Paul Brown <paul.brown at> ha scritto:
> On miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020 12:52:01 (CET) Veggero Nylo wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I can absolutely fill the form myself. I am though missing one information:
> > KDE eV fiscal code and/or VAT number.
> VAT Number: DE278127691
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