Place for suggestions

Christian Schmitz list at
Mon Mar 2 11:28:30 GMT 2020

Hi everyone:
	Sorry for use the mailing list to ask. I want to do a new activity 
suggestion, but i 
didnt find where post it. Where is the best place to do?

	I have a 2 years kid, at this point he simple hit the keyboard and is unable 
to solve the most basic challenge, even the motricity didnt allow clean the 
screen with the mouse because he press the mouse keys and the block reappear 
on screen.

	My proposal is 2 new activities with ZERO challenge:
Activity 1 Mouse:
	7 elements on screen (colors or animals). Every element will be activated 
with a mouse action.
	For example if you move the mouse to the right a dog move the mouth and say 
DOG or WOW or a simple tone. 	A cat for the left, etc etc. And 3 for the 
mouse buttons.
	Not point a cursor over the cat or dog because 1 or 2 years cant do this, 
simply how is the mouse moving or keys hitting.
	This allow interact with the computer to small kids because any move or 
anything get a computer reaction.

Activity 2 Keyboard:
	When the kid press A, the computer do the sound of Ambulance or show a animal 
with A letter or any that you want. The function keys can do differents 
musics or sounds. 
	At this time the kid hit the keyboard with all hand, so him can get multiple 
sound, until start to understand wich sound to witch key will take a time.

Best Regards

Be Free, Be Linux	

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