Datasets not showing in config window after implementing multiple dataset
Sambhav Kaul
sambhav.kaul12 at
Wed Jan 1 06:55:30 GMT 2020
After implementing the multiple dataset for an activity, The datasets are
not shown in the config window. As I created a branch from the
multiple_dataset branch which was also updated in november and an extra
object was added in line 156 of DialogChooseLevel.qml of core directory. So
now it give error as
qrc:/gcompris/src/core/DialogChooseLevel.qml:156: TypeError: Property
'includes' of object 1 is not a function
So as the error is indicating 'includes' on line 156 is not working,
Also I tried to update the version of Qt and still the issue was same
so that is not the case. The line causing error in DialogChooseLevel
"selectedInConfig": chosenLevels.includes(currentFile.level)
So can anyone tell what could be the reason for this ?
Thanks and regards
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