Student Introduction for GSoC 2019

Akshay Kumar email.akshay98 at
Wed May 8 07:49:45 BST 2019


First of all, Thank you everyone :)

I am Akshay Kumar, a student contributor from Chandigarh, India. My
journey with KDE-Gcompris started in september last year, I still
remember my first issues which were as simple as removing image
resources from an activity or improving the introduction messages of
others. But the community really helped me alot, helping me
identifying real bugs and improvements in the project and guiding me
towards solving them, I learnt a lot in these past 7 months, and all
the credit for that goes to all the helping mentors in the community.

This GSoC I will work towards adding multiple datasets to several
activities. Multiple datasets are required to change the set of levels
for an activity so that it can be played by children of different age
groups. I would be adding multiple datasets to the following




      Money With Cents

      Give tux his change

      Give tux his change, including cents

   Number with Dices

      Number With Dices

      Number with Domino

   The magician hat

      The magician hat plus

      The magician hat minus



      Find the date

   Numbers in order

      Numbers in order

      Alphabet Sequence

      Even and odd numbers

   Practice addition with target game

 Here is a link to my proposal

Looking forward to loads of fun and an awesome summer.

I have contributed to other open source organisations as well but the
kind of support that I got here at KDE is beyond compare. The helping
nature and selfless attitude of everyone here is what that drives me
to work even harder and take Gcompris closer to version 1.0. Hopefully
I would come out as a better person and a better programmer from GSoC

Thank you


Akshay Kumar
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