SoK Participation

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Mon Dec 9 07:13:03 GMT 2019

Hi Deepak,

Great to hear students are interested to participate. Can you provide
some more details on what you plan to do and a timeline?


Le sam. 7 déc. 2019 à 22:53, Deepak Kumar <deepakdk2431 at> a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I am Deepak Kumar a 3rd year UG pursuing B.E in Information Technology from India. I have been contributing to GCompris from past 7 months and want to take part in Season of KDE this year.
> I am interested to work on the project of implementing multiple datasets to the following activities and also improving the level selections of some of the activities:
> 1. Enumeration memory game
> 2. Find the date
> 3. Count the items
> 4. Balance the scales properly
> Thanks
> Deepak Kumar

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